Shep owned many cars, was the host of several car rally's in the Village and New Hope Pa, and was sponsered on the radio by several car manufacturers. From the Village Voice column of May 8, 1957 "Since those days I have owned several imported cars: an Austin-Jensen, a 2-1/2 liter Riley, another MG, a Peugeot 403, a Porsche 1300, and today I drove to the Voice office in a BMW Isetta, probably the supreme escape car of them all for the guy who can't pop for a sports because of cash but who has all the urges." EDITORS NOTE: Jean Shepherd, WOR's commentator for Night People and a regular Village Voice contributor, was for two years the owner of a foreign car agency in Cincinnati, where he dispensed Austins, Triumphs, MG's and Volkswagons to the more daring of the local burghers. |