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Commercials and Voiceovers
Shep's distinctive voice was heard on many commercials

So many times we would be sitting around watching TV or listening to the radio when "all of a sudden" Shep's distinctive voice bellows out over the speaker doing a sales pitch for some product. Shep did a lot of commercials on his radio shows, but he also did other commercials for broadcast on Television and Radio.

He also did several voiceovers, the most famous being for the Disney Carousel of Progress.

A partial listing of some of the TV and Radio commercials, and voiceovers he did follows.

Thanks to Pete Delaney and Steve Glazer

If anyone has any other audio files of these, I would like to post them. 

TV Commercials
Triumph Spitfire
Radio Commercials
notes Narration of "Carousel of Progress", G.E. Exhibit / Disneyworld, Florida
notes Goggomobile - March 1959 Evergreen Review
notes 1958 - ISOPHASE speakers from Pickering and Company/span>