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Over the years Shep received many awards, nominations and tributes for his work

Max Schmid's 5 hour tribute to Shep on WBAI 99.5FM New York - Winter Pledge Drive

February 23, 2001

WBAI Pledge Drive Week Jean Shepherd Special Time: 7:00pm to 11:00pm or midnight or whenever! Place: WBAI 99.5FM New York Host: Max Schmid Part 1 Mike Feder, who carries on the Shep tradition every Friday at 7 PM on WBAI - one of the last radio story-tellers, although perhaps darker and more "New York" than Shep. Jean Shepherd - From May 1st 1976 Part 2 Ron Della Chiesa of WGBH. He was a close friend of Shep's who is a broadcaster in Boston. Part 3 Live at the Limelight - April 1, 1967 Part 4 Max's panel from the Friends of Old-Time Radio Convention with Barry Farber and Herb Squire, who worked at WOR and was one of Shep's engineers.